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January 1, 2021
End of the Year Review: 2020 Quilting Ambitions from Life In Pieces

Happy New Year!  When we went to bed early this morning, we could see the ice forming on the trees.  But when we woke up this morning, this is what we saw. 

It's still snowing, though it has slowed down some. I'll definitely take a snow storm over an ice storm any time.   

I stitched up to just a few minutes before midnight last night in hopes of hitting some key metrics for the year.  I didn't get any more finishes, but I'll start 2021 on a good foot. Before moving on with my 2021 ambitions ...

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December 7, 2020
Finished stars and making plans on Free Motion Mavericks from Quilting & Learning

Welcome to Free Motion Mavericks, week 308. The stars on the Pinwheels & Stars Baby Quilt are done. In this post I'm going to wrap up the free motion quilting (FMQ) of the stars and plan the next part of the quilt.

FMQ star designs

At the end of July, I proposed seven possible FMQ designs for the six stars on the quilt. By November, here is what I ended up with. If you missed any of the posts, the links are in Related links below.

Making plans for the negative space

I designed the quilt so that the centre ...

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December 6, 2020
Last Push for My 2020 PhD from Life In Pieces

I've been following along with Quilting Gail's 2020 PHD

The goal is to finish 12 UFOs, plus finish any quilts you start during the year (other then quilt alongs that won't finish before the end of the year). I'm not going to finish 12 quilts this year and I'm probably not going to finish the one quilt I started that doesn't carry over to next year.  Here's my report card so far this year. 

There's one more finish on the list and one more new start.  But Grassy Creek, Bonnie Hunter's ...

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November 6, 2020
PHD in 2020 Progress from Life In Pieces

Just two months left in 2020.  The end of the year always just flies by it seems.  As it's a new month it's time to take stock of the progress towards my 2020 PHD (projects half done)

The tracking sheet has been updated again this month, but this time in the right direction. 

There's another check mark in the finished column. Storm at Sea is finished and has been much appreciated as the new quilt on our bed. 

Storm at Sea (Streams)
Paper Piecing Class by Carrie Randell (Quilter's Hideaway)

Storm at Sea is finish number ...

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October 14, 2020
FMQ moose panel finished from Quilting & Learning

Hi! I want to share this UFO finish before it goes to its new home!

FMQ a lovely moose panel

I started Free Motion Quilting (FMQ) the moose panel for my brother's cottage in July of last year. 

FMQ Moose panel ready for its new home

What a difference FMQ adds to the panel. Here is the image of the panel when it was barely quilted. I admit that the lighting isn't as good, but you can see that the fabric is very flat. Now that it's quilted, there is so much more texture.

Moose panel with ...

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October 3, 2020
Stitching Along from Life In Pieces

 I was definitely ready for Saturday to get here.  The plan is for a nothing but stitching day to celebrate the end of the work week and the beginning of October.  Just three months left in 2020. Though I will be glad to see the end of this year, there's not much time left to finish my 2020 PHD. 

There is an update to my tracking spreadsheet, but it's not a new check mark in the finished column.  

The Morewood Mystery quilt September clue had me cutting into the fabric to make last months blocks.  I count a ...

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September 3, 2020
Momentum from Life In Pieces

 What a week!  I'll be glad to see the end of this one.  My Guy is finally feeling much better and thankfully his test came back negative. Thank you for all the moral support and crossed fingers. I'm really looking forward to the holiday weekend. A few days off work will be nice. After this week, a sewing only day is definitely in the cards.  I should decide on my September One Monthly Goal before then.  

Next up on the 2020 Quilt plan is Daisy Chain.  

Daisy Chain Mystery
2019 Little Bunny Quilts Mystery
by Alison of Honey ...

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August 6, 2020
Status of My One Word Challenge for 2020: Finish from Life In Pieces

After almost 20 years of cutting up perfectly good fabric into little pieces and sewing them back together into quilts, I still love doing it. At the end of last year though, my UFO list was eating at me.  I love every quilt on that list, there's not any I don't want to finish. But I am struggling to get quilts off the list.  So for 2020, I decided to give the one word challenge a try. The word you pick is supposed to remind you of what you want to achieve during the year so as you ...

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July 17, 2020
Mid July PHD Progress from Life In Pieces

Hard to believe that we've already passed the middle of July and it's just a couple more weeks till the brutal heat of August will be blasting us. Not that July's heat has been fun, the humidity has made it like breathing molasses when outside. It's definitely been a month for staying indoors and hanging out in the sewing room. That's been good for making progress on my 2020 PHD. 

Finally there's been a change in the PHD report.

Mosaic Mystery (Farfalla) became my third finish for 2020.  

Farfalla (Mosaic Mystery Quilt)  from Cheryl ...

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July 3, 2020
The Midyear Review for 2020 Quilting Ambitions from Life In Pieces

I finished the last of my midyear reviews with my direct reports at work yesterday.   The purpose of the midyear review is to make sure you are on track with your goals. If you are not on track, it helps to identify the obstacles or changes in priorities and adjust accordingly. Also it's a good opportunity to celebrate your successes. It's just natural for me to apply what we do at work to the quilty part of my life.  Back in December I set my 2020 Quilting Ambitions as part of Quilting Jetgirl's 2020 Planning Party.  Here ...

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June 17, 2020
Mid-Month PHD Progress from Life In Pieces

It's mid-month, so time to stop and reflect on the overall progress in the sewing room for the month.  I'm following along with Quilting Gail's PHD program for 2020.  

I'm not doing so well if you look at my stats for the year so far. 

Only two finishes, but thankfully only one new start.  So I've at least reduced the overall project total by one. Though it doesn't show up on the stat list, there has been some really good progress this year in addition to the two finishes. 

Mosaic Mystery is back from ...

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June 10, 2020
UFOs and June's OMG from Quilting & Learning

Welcome to this beautiful sunny but not hot day.

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June 3, 2020
Half a PHD Maybe? from Life In Pieces

It's a new month, one the end of which will mark the half way point in 2020.  Let's not jump there just yet.  It's probably much less depressing to back up a bit and review how well my PHD program is going.  

If you look at my PHD tracking, it doesn't look so hot. 

Only two finishes so far. On the other hand, just one new start. So I'm not adding to the UFO list and there was some really good progress in May. 

Mosaic Mystery is being quilted by the very talented Trudy. 

Mosaic ...

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May 18, 2020
One of Those Weeks from Life In Pieces

For some reason, last week just didn't go very well in the sewing room. Mainly because I didn't speed much time there.  What time spent with needle and thread was spent doing embroidery.  I did make some progress on that front.  

Half the butterfly is finished, so now I can move the hoop to start on the second half.  

There was no change in Unity.

Unity, 2020 Bonnie Hunter Sew-In-Place Quilt Along

Step 2 is still in progress. I'm hoping the rest of the steps don't take so long or else this is going to one ...

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May 2, 2020
PHD Project Progress - End of April 2020 from Life In Pieces

The week just seemed to drag.  I'm very glad it's Saturday morning so I can just hang out and drink my coffee. Not sure what else is on the agenda for today, I'm hoping some significant time in the sewing room is at the top of the list. Though I think My Guy may have some other thoughts on that. 

As the calendar has turned from April to May, it's time to review how it's going on finishing my PHD in 2020 with Quilting Gail.  

The goal is to reduce the projects half done pile ...

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April 17, 2020
PHD In 2020 Update: Mid April from Life In Pieces

How is it already mid-April?  We've been working from home for pretty much a month now. We've got a routine, but I'm not a fan of working from home.  You'd think there would be some time savings with no commute, but I find it's harder to end the day on time.  

So my stitching time hasn't increased.  Add in making a few face masks for family and friends means that time for project sewing has actually been lower this month. But there has been some progress with the PHD program.  

Binding and label are ...

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April 2, 2020
Progress on the 2020 PHD and Other Quilty Ambitions from Life In Pieces

The first quarter of 2020 is over.  It's definitely not been the year I was expecting in terms of work and general life.  The stuff going on the sewing room has been progressing almost normally. So I'm going to concentrate on what progress there's been there.  

My 2020 Quilting Ambitions were pretty simple.  

The big push this year is to finish a few quilts.  I signed up with Quilting Gail's 2020 PHD Program to help keep me motivated on that front.  And I can finally show some progress on that front. 

A finish finally!  The last ...

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March 5, 2020
PHD In 2020: The March Update from Life In Pieces

This year is supposed to be the year of finishes. To help with the motivation, I've joined up with Quilting Gail's PHD in 2020. 

Unfortunately, there's not much of an update since the mid-February report.  

No finishes, but still no new starts for 2020. At least I'm not losing ground.  

There has been a bit of progress.  The excess batting and backing has been trimmed off Twinkle Stars.

A darker orange was found to replace the yellow orange in the original fabric pull for the binding. 

So now I just need to cut the binding strips ...

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February 22, 2020
Mid-February 2020 PHD Report - Just a A Little Late from Life In Pieces

I'm a bit late on the mid-month PHD (projects half done) update for February.

I completely missed getting this prepped on the 15th.  The business trip this last week put a bit of a hitch in both my blogging and stitching schedules this month. There's been progress but it's not showing up on the PHD report.

No finishes, but no starts either.  So at least I'm not losing ground.  There have been some updates to the UFO/WIP list. 

I picked Twinkle Stars up at the post office this afternoon.  

I've gotten as far as ...

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February 15, 2020
Learning quilting math the hard way from Quilting & Learning

Welcome to my 350th post! Wow! How cool is that?

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